Single Family Home
4 Bed 2 Bath
Babylon Village, NY
100+% cash out with refinance in 2019 $100,000 + equity
Apartment Units
4 Units 6 Garages
Norwich, CT
Low income with government subsidized rents. Property management in the process of turning over units, improving management systems and rent collection. Purchased below market $100,000+ equity. Investors will be cashed out in 2023 with completed refinance.
Single Family Home
3 Bed 2 Bath
Babylon Village, NY
100% cash out with refinance in 2020 $100,000 + equity private money partner investment agreement was 10% 1 year received 20% interest with principle and interest returned 6 month early
Apartment Units
6 Units
Colchester, CT
6 units walking distance to town. In 2021 completely redone:roof, siding, gutters, kitchen, electric and water heaters. Opportunity for rent upside and improved management without concern for large capital expenses.
Apartment Units
8 Units 3 Garages,
Colchester, CT
Increased cash flow $8000 annually focused on capital improvements improved management systems and updated units.100% occupied $100,000+ in increased equity. Returned investors interest 1 year early remaining in process with a plan of 2023 completed refinance.
The Tree House
Lake Hayward, CT
Family friendly themed short term rental. Beach Club access. Sleeps 11, Renting $200+ night starting February 2022. Value added property with $100,000+ of equity increased from completed rehabilitation and upgrades.
Lake Hayward, CT
Opportunity for minimal renovations to prepare a family friendly themed short term rental. Property has lake views and beach club access. Sleeps 6, Renting $125+ night starting April 2022.